April 17, 2012

Run Toward the Nightland; Magic of the Oklahoma Cherokees

Run Toward the Nightland; Magic of the Oklahoma Cherokees by Jack Frederick Kilpatrick

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pretty interesting stuff. He included the texts of many incantations and the music of some which were to be sung. His notation system for the Cherokee language leaves something to be desired, as there's no pronunciation guide provided with this book. I suppose the author presumed the reader would have previous familiarity with his writings. The spells and author commentary provide much insight into how the Cherokee view the world and their place in it. For example, a Cherokee home (at least when he wrote the book) was rarely locked when the owner was out, but it was definitely warded against evil intruders.

Interesting reading for those who want to know more about how Cherokee people thought, but not for those wanting to know more history. Also, if one were looking for real Native American magic, this is it. Not only do you get the text of the spell, but the instructions as to how it is to be cast. Unfortunately, Cherokee magic done in English has no potency, so too bad for all the witches out there who were hoping for some new spells.

If the book had gone one for three or four hundred pages, it would have been far too boring and bland, but it clocks in under 200 so the average reader should be able to get through it without too much trouble.

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