July 29, 2006

Nightmares and Dreamscapes (from the stories of Stephen King) on TNT

When you hear that any Stephen King story is being made into a tv movie, it's natural to think to yourself, "Oh god, how are they going to ruin it now?" And usually, you find that it's the same old combination of a low budget and bad director. However, if you've been watching this mini-series of one-hour episodes from the book of the same name, you know that strangely enough, they actually did a good job this time. If I'm not mistaken, every episode has had a different director and they've had different casts. And they've had a decent budget. I've been really impressed and I thought that all the episodes thus far were really good. I'd watch them again and I hope they come out with a dvd soon. So far, "The End of the Whole Mess" has been my favorite, but I think all of them have been good. Not only that, but the shows have been really faithful to the written stories. I still remember them, and a lot of the dramatic points in "The Road Virus Heads North" were recreated in the show.

Suffice it to say, I'm happy so far and that's a really strange occurence in general with King on tv. He has had some successes. I mean, the Dead Zone has been a real success, but a lot of the tv movies just sucked. "It" was passable, but "The Tommyknockers" was just ridiculously bad. I mean, it wasn't that great a book either, but still. And "The Langoliers", while having its moments disappointed me too. I can only hope that when someone decides to do The Gunslinger series, they make a commitment to doing it well. If that one goes bad, I'll have to hurt somebody.


adam said...

Hmm, it looked a lot like TNT's other adaptations ("Salem's Lot") so I didn't watch it, but I'm glad to hear it's good.

Nat-Wu said...

Well, I think his short stories are always more adaptable to the screen anyway, and some of his best work has come from his short stories, notably Different Seasons with The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, and Apt Pupil.

On a related note, there was also a made-for-tv movie of Desperation a few weeks ago. It was not as good as this series has been, but better than some of the utter crap that I named before.