July 31, 2006

Edward Gorey

Edward Gorey was a writer/illustrator whose work is probably more well known than his name. You may recognize this image:

That's an illustration he did that was used in the introduction of the PBS "Mystery" series. I saw that a long time ago, but that was all I knew of him. Mildred is a big fan of his and has several of his books. They're rather interesting, but I think "gothic" is definitely the best way to describe them. He liked dark and random humor. Anyway, it's not my point to tell you all about him; that's something Mildred should do. I just want to say that there is a very interesting online store dedicated to him and his work and like-minded creators.

I like a lot of the things you can find on there, like this:

There are these really cool "haunted portraits" that change from one image to another. They are not those crappy holographs you see everywhere else. Check them out here. This is one example. It's really cool.


adam said...

This will haunt my dreams tonight.

Nat-Wu said...

Very good.

Mildred said...

I want a ton of those haunted portraits.

HauntedPortraits said...

You can find Haunted Changing Portraits at www.hauntedportraits.com