January 29, 2013

Review: Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Well, it's an interesting experience. I thought the writing was great and I know this author has some serious potential. However, the book is irretrievably stupid. The plot doesn't make any sense at all, which I guess is ok if it's more of a character story, but this isn't really a character story. I hope the author was writing down to his audience, and that his moralizing and philosophizing are really so juvenile because he deliberately spurned complexity. I don't generally go for "dreams come true" books where there is a completely unearned happy ending.

Also, the main female character was irritating beyond belief, especially as the delivery method for most of the story's philosophy.

All in all, I hope the author chooses to dedicate his talents to more deserving stories than this garbage.

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