June 07, 2012

Review: The Gods of Mars

The Gods of Mars
The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Man, what an adventure! This book resumes the story of John Carter ten years later, as he is once again magically (not really) transported to Mars. After that, this book is one of the fastest-paced reads I've ever had! Carter returns only to discover the terrible secret that has lain at the heart of Martian religion for thousands of years, and that his wife, Dejah Thoris, has disappeared. He is reunited with his friend, the Jeddak Tars Tarkas. This is an exciting story and for anyone who likes the first story, it not only compares favorably, but in some ways improves upon it.

My only criticism is that Burroughs' writing is sometimes just too dramatic. It doesn't quite feel natural that John Carter himself would describe the "red mist" coming over his eyes time and time again (since this is written in first-person view). The writing should be a little less flowery, but that doesn't seriously detract from enjoyment of the story.

There's an interesting over-arching theme to this book, and that is that the Martian religion is not only flawed, it leads them to do horrible things in the belief that they have some divine right to do them. While it's never stated explicitly, it seems like the author was at least making some comments on the power of religion to make people behave terribly. Given the otherwise completely pulpy, substance-free nature of the John Carter series, it's quite surprising that he would make such a point about religion in this book. Just another surprise, and one reason why Burroughs can't simply be dismissed as a pulp writer.

All in all, a great follow-up to A Princess of Mars. Well worth reading!

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